Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Clinical Practice Analysis Nursing Models Health And Social Care Essay

Clinical Practice Analysis Nursing Models Health And Social Care Essay Concepts should not be considered as either being permanent or static but should be considered open to new knowledge, perception, experiences and also data (Alligood and Tomey 2006). The nursing models were established to help clinical nurses in developing new roles and partnerships and also create better models of nursing care in order to facilitate a better clinical practice (www.health.nsw.gov.au/nursing/projects/models_of_care.asp). Nursing models are usually referred to as operational models for redesigning the nursing practice that will provide better nursing care for the patient on an organizational setting, primarily hospitals and long term care facilities. The models however can take a different form on the organizational level. They however only mean that that there has been some form of redesigning. This redesigning is usually mainly at the patient care delivery level or the nursing level. The only way to differentiate such models at the level of organization is by attaini ng those that do not care delivery. These are mainly levels such as innovative pay and also the programs of clinical advancement. Nursing practice models differ from the traditional models in either of the following structural dimensions. It is either through the degree to which the practice by individual nursing is differentiated based on their individual educational level, the degree to which nursing practice is more of self managed rather than managed by traditional supervisors, the degree to which case management is deployed and also the degree by which teams are employed. Teams in this case mean either nursing or multi-displinary. According to Mayer, Madden, and Lawrenz (1990), the models that they evaluated have varying degrees of employing various structural approaches to reorganize the nursing practice. Past studies and also the present studies show reflections on the applicability of the models and also the nursing models. This allows the validation and construction of new action forms in nursing care. It also helps to identify limits and relations between professions and individuals who are in need of care. In order to give a description, explanation, forecasting or even a prescription of nursing care, there is need to have articulated and communicative conceptualizations of reality which can either be invented or discovered. Case study: HIV/AIDS patients Among many cases that affect the human nature other than the cancer kind of diseases, Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) has the greatest negative effect on mankind. The case study within the practice which best utilizes the nursing models is on the Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS). This case study best shows how the nursing model by Dorothea Orem can best service the patients and bring a form of relief to the patients. There have been models and theories that have been put in practice or give an explanation of the self-care related phenomena guide solutions that respond to the involved people ¿Ã‚ ½s needs and interests and equip nurses to help patients take care of themselves, as AIDS is a chronic illness that depends on the patient ¿Ã‚ ½s personal care to gain a better quality of life and prolong survival. Models including that of Dorothea Orem are used in nursing to ensure that there is adequ ate care given to those with HIV/AIDS. The use of this model or theory is because those who suffer HIV/AIDS have low immunodeficiency. This has a great effect on the normal functioning of the body. It however rests upon the patients to ensure that they maintain good health. People suffering from HIV/AIDS require constant care and support from the society. They also require not to be looked down upon by those who offer the care delivery to them. It therefore shows that the model of nursing by Orem can easily boost the morale of the patients if they a re given a chance to have the self care by themselves. It however also requires that there be moderate to high levels of participation by the health care deliverers in order to ensure that the patients are well equipped on how to go round the self care. Nursing models by Orem Models are considered conceptual reference frameworks, constructed representations on some aspect in the environment, using abstractions as fundamental blocks. The self care model of nursing or better known as the Orem model of nursing was established by Dorothea Orem in 1959. In her theory of administering care the patient is looked upon or is encouraged to be an independent person. This helps in the recovery of the patient as they are directed to use the best ways possible to ensure their well being. Self care is considered as an individual ¿Ã‚ ½s performance towards a better health, life and also well being through practice of given activities. The recovery and development of health is achieved when a patient apprehends the orientations. This helps to retain the structural integrity and also the human functioning. For those suffering Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS), there are diseases which are related that occur. They may include the acquisition of opportunistic infections as the body has a low immune system, difficulty in taking sufficient food intake, lack or deprived sleep, nausea and/ or altered palate due to collateral medical effects, weight loss, fatigue, an decrease in body mass. Other than the physical changes, the patient may also have an onset of psychological alteration such as low self image and self esteem. There are also changes in lifestyles of the patient due to maybe prejudice, side effects of the medication and even constant and frequent visits to the health centre. Areas of changes The self care model by Orem consists of mainly three theories which revolve mainly around the nursing theory, self-care deficit and also the self care theory itself. On the theory of self care there are three levels that are of concern such as universal care, health deviation and also developmental. This means care which aims at maintaining the integrity of human functioning and structure. According to the self care deficit theory, it shows that the patient has to be dependent and in a situation whereby the patient is incapable or has limitations to providing self care. This is what needs to be changed in the Dorothea Orem ¿Ã‚ ½s model of nursing in order to deliver better care. By doing away with such theories it will prove better and well managed to finally offer better care towards the patients. It therefore becomes relevant to view such a case scenario as a way to improve self care through the use of the Orem nursing model where a patient should be considered as an independent person. There have been researches done that have articulate the use of this model of nursing. Outcome of the use of the nursing model by Orem a. The use of the theory by Orem by patients suffering from HIV/AIDS As such was the case scenario of patients in an educative proposal of how to have eye self exam by those who suffer from Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS). There were several detailed diagnosis that were identified from most of the patients. Based on the profile that was as a result from the analysis of the patients, it proved that patients require help. The demand on self care on universal and developmental level ensures that patients get moderate if not high levels of help. Basing the facts from the deduced results it showed that there was a level of competency in the patients. This shows that the patients can conduct their own eye self exam. The results also justify that for patients suffering HIV/AIDS, it is possible for them to have adequate nursing care. Through the analytical questions that were posed in order to achieve the analysis of the model showed that nursing care systemization for self-care among HIV/AIDS patients, using the n ursing process; to the patient ¿Ã‚ ½s possible accomplishment of the eye self-exam; to the identification of HIV patients ¿Ã‚ ½ self-care attitudes and deficits through the universal, developmental and health deviation requisites. Besides, the nursing model collaborated as a method to help patients. The resulting results show that the Orem ¿Ã‚ ½s theory can give guidance. This guidance however serves as a guide to how care delivery is done on those with HIV/AIDS. It also elaborates more on the need to have assessment on the HIV/AIDS patient on self eye exam. The analysis of the study also showed that the nursing model by Dorothea Orem can also be used in the nursing curriculum. b. The use of Orem ¿Ã‚ ½s model of nursing involving the HIV/AIDS patients The analyzed study offered important information to guide nursing research, as it demonstrated that the use of Orem ¿Ã‚ ½s Theory permitted testing an eye self-exam teaching model in HIV/AIDS patients, which can be included in the nursing curriculum. There were discoveries that were made in the Orem ¿Ã‚ ½s theory. This included the fact that there was little or small input from the limited number of participants. It therefore proved hard to make a possible. However, there was qualitative results that made it possible to have a view on the competency in HIV/AIDS patient to run an eye self test. The tested propositions were based by the fact that a higher proportion of HIV patients at different stages had irreversible eye alterations due to lack of early diagnosis and treatment. It therefore goes to show that patients require help for universal development and health deviation requisites. c. Orem model of nursing for the purpose of nursing management Based on the research done on people with HIV/AIDS, there is a considerable gap that the nurses should bridge. Mainly this gap is mostly in the learning of nursing based on the educative and supportive system of nursing there has been detailed nursing curriculums that help in implementing the Orem ¿Ã‚ ½s model of nursing. The outstanding results from the use of Orem ¿Ã‚ ½s model in nursing showed that there could be use of the model in the management of the nursing in care services. This was a measured achievement towards self care for patients suffering from HIV/AIDS. It proved to be a success and therefore can be used in the nursing management. The practice of nursing is becoming more targeted as the self care proved to be an instant success. Mainly after the nursing interventions, the care quality in nursing can be measured to form an assessment. d. Better instruments for future and further diagnosis of diseases Based on the findings of how effective the Orem ¿Ã‚ ½s model of nursing is on Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) it only goes to show that with future studies of other diseases, this Orem ¿Ã‚ ½s model of nursing can be utilized to the advantage of the patients and also to the advantage of the nursing practice as a whole. In the practice of this Orem ¿Ã‚ ½s model of nursing, it proves comforting to the patient which should be the general idea behind nursing (Alligood and Tomey 2006). It offers comfort to the patient as they have the knowledge that someone else has faith in them to take good care of themselves. It also boosts their morale in knowing that they are yet capable of taking care of themselves to attain better health General conclusion For nurses who undertake the use of Orem ¿Ã‚ ½s model of nursing they can easily find out gaps or self care deficits which they can try to fill in. The act of learning more in order to fill in the deficit can also help in the diagnosis which might be corresponding. By the use of the Orem ¿Ã‚ ½s model of nursing, it becomes easy for those in the nursing practice to identify means and ways through which they might better the practice. Basing on facts that the Orem ¿Ã‚ ½s model of nursing was established in the early 1965, it has been used widely in nursing areas such as on pregnant women, HIV/AIDS patients, adolescents and also hypersensitive patients. There has been progress from theory to practice by the use of the use of the model in nursing by Orem. There is proven and theoretical framework as it has helped nurses to offer support to patients of HIV/AIDS. Besides just intervention for those with HIV/AIDS, the model of nursing by Orem ensures that attitude of the patient and a lso the self care deficits are clearly identified. It therefore proves that the model in nursing by Orem can is actually a valid instrument. It can therefore be used to bridge the gap between the researchers and also the research subject. As a means of ensuring that those in the nursing practice utilize the Orem ¿Ã‚ ½s model in nursing, there can be a venture into other areas other than HIV/AIDS to areas such as diabetes. By the use of the Orem ¿Ã‚ ½s model in nursing it has opened up more opportunities through which support education can offer. There is better service offered since the Orem ¿Ã‚ ½s model in nursing was established and more research in this area is proving fruitful. This is because of the research done based on people with Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) has been seen as a step closer to ensuring that the patients do not suffer. It also has ensured that there is better treatment both at a physical and psychological l evel. Though it might prove as a remedy or cure to the disease it has definitely given the patients a better understanding of themselves. It has also created ways in which the patients can be self reliant based on the stages of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS). Recommendations It therefore goes without saying that the Orem ¿Ã‚ ½s model in nursing is a true model that should be utilized more for the sake of the patients. It helps in boosting the self esteem of the patient which giving a detailed analysis to those in the profession of nursing. It provides a better view on how strategies should be laid out in order to achieve better health care delivery. Patients no matter the kind of ailment they suffer from but especially those suffering from Human Immunodeficiency Virus / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS) should be taken as independent patients. They should be taught various ways of self care other than the eye self care. Through such ways it proves profitable for both the patients and also those in the nursing practice. The model in nursing by Orem proves a sufficient way to manage the practice of nursing and on the other hand creates a study for other patients who might benefit from the model.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Impact Of The Social Changes Of The Civil War Essay examples -- Am

The Impact of the Social Changes of the Civil War As the United States began to establish itself as a country, more and more problems began to surface within the nation. A perfect example of this would be the American Civil War, which significantly affected society. This brought about many changes within America such as women’s rights movements and decisions regarding African American freedom. Also many of the problems are country had previously left unresolved were soon to be resolved too. The social changes of the American Civil War and Reconstruction Era greatly affected the years that followed it as well. The American Civil War was different from many of the wars the United States had fought in at this time. Mostly this nation had only helped out in wars for other countries, or to just become one country itself. By the mid-1800s though, the separate areas of the U.S. had begun to develop diverse ideas regarding many important decisions. The separate areas of the Unites States quickly shifted into the North or the South. One of the matters in particular that the North and the South greatly disagreed on was slavery. [Slave owners] feared that the activities of abolitionists would make it more difficult to run their plantation system. Where possible they wanted to see an expansion of slavery into other areas. (Simkin 2) While the North believed it should be abolished, the South felt that the African American slaves were important to their economy. (Simkin 1-3) As the tensions rose between the North and South, the South began talks of seceding from the North and forming their own country. After Abraham Lincoln was elected president, South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana and Texas d... ...ns, the state of America was socially impacted. The social changes of the American Civil War and Reconstruction Era greatly affected the years that followed it as well. Works Cited Davis, Kenneth. Don't know much about the Civil War : Everything You Need to Know About America's Greatest Conflict But Never Learned . New York: William Morrow, 1996. Dudley, William. The Civil War: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc., 1995. Nosotro, Rit. "USA Civil War: moral and social changes." The Amreican Civil War: A national redefinition. 3/28/2007. 28 Mar 2007 . Simkin, John. "American Civil War." American Civil War. 30 Apr 2007 . Stalcup, Brenda. Reconstruction: Opposing Viewpoints. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc., 1995.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Qin Shi Huang, First Emperor of China Essay

Qin Shi Huang (or Shi Huangdi) was the First Emperor of a unified China, who ruled from 246 BCE to 210 BCE. In his 35-year reign, he managed to create magnificent and enormous construction projects. He also caused both incredible cultural and intellectual growth, and much destruction within China. Whether he should be remembered more for his creations or his tyranny is a matter of dispute, but everyone agrees that Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, was one of the most important rulers in Chinese history. Connect with over 120,000 suppliers from Hong Kong, China and Taiwan Fall of Rome London Family History Chinese Warriors Terracotta Army Dynasty Early Life: According to legend, a rich merchant named Lu Buwei befriended a prince of the Qin State during the latter years of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty (770-256 BCE). The merchant’s lovely wife Zhao Ji had just gotten pregnant, so he arranged for the prince to meet and fall in love with her. She became the prince’s concubine, and then gave birth to Lu Buwei’s child in 259 BCE. The baby, born in Hanan, was named Ying Zheng. The prince believed the baby was his own. Ying Zheng became king of the Qin state in 246 BCE, upon the death of his supposed father. He ruled as Qin Shi Huang, and unified China for the first time. Early Reign: The young king was only 13 years old when he took the throne, so his prime minister (and probable real father) Lu Buwei acted as regent for the first eight years. This was a difficult time for any ruler in China, with seven warring states vying for control of the land. The leaders of the Qi, Yan, Zhao, Han, Wei, Chu and Qin states were former dukes under the Zhou Dynasty, but had each proclaimed themselves king as the Zhou fell apart. In this unstable environment, warfare flourished, as did books like Sun Tzu’s The Art of War. Lu Buwei had another problem, as well; he feared that the king would discover his true identity. Lao Ai’s Revolt: According to the Shiji, or â€Å"Records of the Grand Historian,† Lu Buwei hatched a new scheme to depose Qin Shi Huang in 240 BCE. He introduced Zhao Ji to Lao Ai, a man famed for his large penis. The queen dowager and Lao Ai had two sons, and in 238 BCE, Lao and Lu Buwei decided to launch a coup. Lao raised an army, aided by the king of nearby Wei, and tried to seize control while Qin Shi Huang was traveling outside of the area. The young king cracked down hard on the rebellion; Lao was executed in a grisly fashion, along with his family. The queen dowager was spared, but spent the rest of her days under house arrest. Consolidation of Power: Lu Buwei was banished after the Lao Ai incident, but did not lose all of his influence in Qin. However, he lived in constant fear of execution by the mercurial young king. In 235 BCE, Lu committed suicide by drinking poison. With his death, the 24-year-old king assumed full command over the kingdom of Qin. Qin Shi Huang grew increasingly paranoid (not without reason), and banished all foreign scholars from his court as spies. The king’s fears were well-founded; in 227, the Yan state sent two assassins to his court, but he fought them off with his sword. A musician also tried to kill him by bludgeoning him with a lead-weighted lute. Battles with Neighboring States: The assassination attempts arose in part because of desperation in neighboring kingdoms. The Qin king had the most powerful army, and neighboring rulers trembled at the thought of a Qin invasion. The Han kingdom fell in 230 BCE. In 229, a devastating earthquake rocked another powerful state, Zhao, leaving it weakened. Qin Shi Huang took advantage of the disaster, and invaded the region. Wei fell in 225, followed by the powerful Chu in 223. The Qin army conquered Yan and Zhao in 222 (despite another assassination attempt on Qin Shi Huang by a Yan agent). The final independent kingdom, Qi, fell to the Qin in 221 BCE. China Unified: With the defeat of the other six warring states, Qin Shi Huang had unified northern China. His army would continue to expand the Qin Empire’s southern boundaries throughout his lifetime, driving as far south as what is now  Vietnam. The king of Qin became the Emperor of Qin China. As emperor, Qin Shi Huang reorganized the bureaucracy, abolishing the existing nobility and replacing them with his appointed officials. He also built a network of roads, with the capital of Xianyang at the hub. In addition, the emperor simplified the written Chinese script, standardized weights and measures, and minted new copper coins. The Great Wall and Ling Canal: Despite its military might, the newly unified Qin Empire faced a recurring threat from the north: raids by the nomadic Xiongnu (the ancestors of Attila’s Huns). In order to fend off the Xiongnu, Qin Shi Huang ordered the construction of an enormous defensive wall. The work was carried out by hundreds of thousands of slaves and criminals between 220 and 206 BCE; untold thousands of them died at the task. This northern fortification formed the first section of what would become the Great Wall of China. In 214, the Emperor also ordered construction of a canal, the Lingqu, which linked the Yangtze and Pearl River systems. The Confucian Purge: The Warring States Period was dangerous, but the lack of central authority allowed intellectuals to flourish. Confucianism and a number of other philosophies blossomed prior to China’s unification. However, Qin Shi Huang viewed these schools of thought as threats to his authority, so he ordered all books not related to his reign burned in 213 BCE. The Emperor also had approximately 460 scholars buried alive in 212 for daring to disagree with him, and 700 more stoned to death. From then on, the only approved school of thought was legalism: follow the emperor’s laws, or face the consequences. Qin Shi Huang’s Quest for Immortality: As he entered middle age, the First Emperor grew more and more afraid of death. He became obsessed with finding the elixir of life, which would allow him to live forever. The court doctors and alchemists concocted a number of potions, many of them containing â€Å"quicksilver† (mercury), which probably had the ironic effect of hastening the emperor’s death rather than preventing it. Just in case the elixirs did not work, in 215 BCE the Emperor also  ordered the construction of a gargantuan tomb for himself. Plans for the tomb included flowing rivers of mercury, cross-bow booby traps to thwart would-be plunderers, and replicas of the Emperor’s earthly palaces. The Terracotta Army: To guard Qin Shi Huang in the afterworld, and perhaps allow him to conquer heaven as he had the earth, the emperor had a terracotta army of at least 8,000 clay soldiers placed in the tomb. The army also included terracotta horses, along with real chariots and weapons. Each soldier was an individual, with unique facial features (although the bodies and limbs were mass-produced from molds). The Death of Qin Shi Huang: A large meteor fell in Dongjun in 211 BCE – an ominous sign for the Emperor. To make matters worse, someone etched the words â€Å"The First Emperor will die and his land will be divided† onto the stone. Some saw this as a sign that the Emperor had lost the Mandate of Heaven. Since nobody would fess up to this crime, the Emperor had everyone in the vicinity executed. The meteor itself was burned and then pounded into powder. Nevertheless, the Emperor died less than a year later, while touring eastern China in 210 BCE. The cause of death most likely was mercury poisoning, due to his immortality treatments. Fall of the Qin Empire Qin Shi Huang’s Empire did not outlast him long. His second son and Prime Minister tricked the heir, Fusu, into committing suicide. The second son, Huhai, seized power. However, widespread unrest (led by the remnants of the Warring States nobility) threw the empire into disarray. In 207 BCE, the Qin army was defeated by Chu-lead rebels at the Battle of Julu. This defeat signaled the end of the Qin Dynasty. Sources: Mark Edward Lewis, The Early Chinese Empires: Qin and Han. Cambridge: Harvard University Press (2007). Lu Buwei, The Annals of Lu Buwei, trans. John Knoblock and Jeffrey Riegel. Stanford: Stanford University Press (2000). Sima Qian, Records of the Grand Historian, trans. Burton Watson. New York: Columbia University Press (1993).

Friday, January 3, 2020

A Guide to the Barbary Pirates

The Barbary pirates (or, more accurately, Barbary privateers) operated out of four North African bases--Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli and various ports in Morocco--between the 16th and 19th centuries. They terrorized seafaring traders in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, sometimes, in the words of John Biddulphs 1907 history of piracy, venturing into the mouth of the [English} channel to make a capture. The privateers worked for North African Muslim deys, or rulers, themselves subjects of the Ottoman Empire, which encouraged privateering as long as the empire received its share of tributes. Privateering had two aims: to enslave captives, who were usually Christian, and to ransom hostages for tribute. The Barbary pirates played a significant role in defining the foreign policy of the United States in its earliest days. The pirates provoked the United States first wars in the Middle East, compelled the United States to build a Navy, and set several precedents, including hostage crises involving the ransoming of American captives and military American military interventions in the Middle East that have been relatively frequent and bloody since. The Barbary wars with the United States ended in 1815 after a naval expedition ordered to North Africas shores by President Madison defeated the Barbary powers and put an end to three decades of American tribute payments. Some 700 Americans had been held hostage over the course of those three decades. Meaning of Barbary The term Barbary was a derogatory, European and American characterization of North African powers. The term is derived from the word barbarians, a reflection of how Western powers, themselves often slave-trading or slave-holding societies at the time, viewed Muslim and Mediterranean regions. Also Known As: Barbary corsairs, Ottoman corsairs, Barbary privateers, Mohammetan pirates