Friday, August 2, 2019

Anorexia Nevrosa

Anorexia Nervosa is an emotional illness in which a person refuses to consume due to a fear of gaining weight (Charles Michael Wuhl, 1991). It occurs chiefly among adolescent girls and young women. Anorexia means â€Å"without appetite†; however most Anorexics are actually extremely hungry most of the time due to a lack of consumption (Charles Michael Wuhl, 1991). Psychological reasons seem to be the major cause of rejecting food. Through the period of Anorexia, Anorexics will experience a craving for food known as bulimia (Charles Michael Wuhl, 1991). But after this craving sensation subsides, they make themselves vomit or overdose on laxatives as well. The Chief physical symptom of Anorexia Nervosa is dramatic weight loss at around ? of the body weight (Charles Michael Wuhl, 1991). Other symptoms are low blood pressure, slow heartbeat and the growth of fine hair on the body. The lack of food begins to affect their mood. A major amount of Anorexics will actually separate themselves from people and have a depressed appearance (Charles Michael Wuhl, 1991). Because Anorexia is a Psychological issue, most Anorexics consider themselves healthy or overweight despite the obvious physical changes. Treatments of Anorexia may include Hospitalization, Psychotherapy, and medication. If suffered by malnutrition they should be hospitalized (Charles Michael Wuhl, 1991) However, about half of people with long term anorexia nervosa can receive serious medical issues such as Osteoporosis from lack of calcium in the diet(serious for teens still in growth) joint injuries from too much exercise, and kidney problems due to abusing laxatives and dehydration( Adam Husney MD, 2011). When it comes to Gender, Women are more likely to develop an eating disorder han Men. However in teenage eating disorders it seems that 19% to 30% of patients are male. Male anorexics currently hold these interesting statistics due to research. The lifetime prevalence in Anorexia in Men is 0. 3 %( Hiripi, E. , 2008), Four percent of male teens in the tenth grade demonstrate an obsession with body image and have turned to anabolic steroids to Alter their appearances (Boyce, W. F, 2006) and now More Male Models are n ow being pressured to slim down in order to land top fashion jobs in the industry(Trebay, G, 2008). Eating Disorders and anorexia statistics show that disordered eating can be fatal without proper treatment; about 20% of sufferers will die without treatment, but the number drops to 3% with treatment. However, only 10% of anorexics actually will receive treatment for eating disorders, due to three main reasons (2006 South Carolina Department of Mental Health). The cost to enter an eating disorder treatment center is about $500 to $2,000 per day (2006 South Carolina Department of Mental Health). Receiving insurance coverage for the cost of treatment is usually impossible. They’re insurance companies that actually eliminate eating disorder treatment and refuse to pay the hospital fare for those patients. This results in a humongous percent of people paying out of pocket by any means necessary to help themselves or a loved one. If by chance an Anorexic gets admitted into a treatment center, the length of stay is typically ranged between 30-60 days at minimum. Most Anorexics and disordered eaters are often resistant to going to an invasion of their â€Å"Privacy† (Anorexia-reflections/statistics). Men with Anorexia Nervosa are less likely to occur than a female with anorexia nervosa. Anorexic females are easier to identify then males. Females lose weight drastically while Men loose body tissue which is harmful for the physique (aplaceofhopeforeatingdisorders. com). About 10% of eating disorder cases are males; But they’re less likely to seek treatment because its perceived as a â€Å"women’s disease†(National Eating Disorders Association). They are several cases of Males with Anorexia Nervosa. One boy named Eric Ostendorf ate nothing but an apple during his first four months of 10th grade. When he became a senior, he developed a habit of starving himself, while engaging in obsessive compulsive exercises. â€Å"I would wake up†¦run in the shower†¦pump 100 pushups†¦hide the food†¦then flush it down the toilet†, Ostendorf said(Julie Rosenberg, ParentDish). Ostendorf’s parents decided to appear on the Dr. Phil show. The episode was title â€Å"Body Obsessed Boys† to aim at boys obsessed with working out to achieve a certain â€Å"look† to please women. His mother Becky also informed ParentDish through phone that their insurance expired so chances of helping him on their own ran out. Hoping that they’ll receive help, his whole family appeared on the Dr. Phil show. Dr. Ted Weltzein the Medical Director of Rogers Memorial Hospital, appeared and offered Ostendorf a full evaluation and treatment. A journal entry shared by Ostendorf on his 16th birthday gave family and friends a heads up that he’s in full recovery and plans on studying pre-med to help other kids with eating disorders. Another Male Anorexia case was a Calvin Klein model by the name of Jeremy Gillitzer. He was struggling with anorexia on a long term platform. He was constantly in and out of treatment facilities. He would exercise relentlessly at about 5 hours a day and then binge on a gallon of ice cream. After being hospitalized for his condition at Methodist Hospital's Eating Disorder Institute, He appeared on Inside Edition, and his life testimony was even named â€Å"one of the Most Extraordinary Stories of '08†( Kevin Hoffman, 2010). Despite reaching to the masses about his life crisis, he withered his body down to 66lbs when he passed away at 38 years old in 2010. Anorexia Nervosa in males is rare. But nevertheless, an issue due to the ways people attempt to hide it from the public. If one isn’t aware of how a friend or loved one is changing physically, that can cause a life to be lost. More attention needs to be brought towards this disorder.Reference Page: Website: Website: Wuhl, Charles Michael, M.D. Clinical Assistant Professor in Psychiatry, New York University, Anorexia Nervosa 1991 World Book Encyclopedia Agras WS (2008). The eating disorders. In DC Dale, DD Federman, eds., ACP Medicine, section 13, chap. 9. Hamilton, ON: BC Decker. Rozenberg, Julie Z., Male Anor exia: One Boy's Story, 12/30/10, ParentDish Treasure J, Claudino AM, Zucker N. Eating disorders. Lancet. 2010; 375(7914):583-593.Attia E, Walsh BT. Behavioral management for anorexia nervosa. N Engl J Med. 2009;360:500-506. Rosen DS; the Committee on Adolescence, Identification and management of eating disorders in children and adolescents. Pediatrics. 2010;126(6):1240-1253. American Psychiatric Association. Treatment of patients with eating disorders, third edition. American Psychiatric Association. Am J Psychiatry. 2006;163(7 Suppl):4-54. Fisher Ca, Hetrick SE, Rushford N. Family therapy for anorexia nervosa. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2010 Apr 14; (4):CD004780. Mardcus MD, Wildes JE. Eating disorders. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, eds. Cecil Medicine. 24th ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Saunders Elsevier; 2011:chap 226. Kevin Hoffman Thu., Jun. 3 2010, 9:53 AM, â€Å"Jeremy Gillitzer, male eating disorder sufferer dead at 38†

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